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🕒 20 U.S. states have passed laws to observe daylight saving time permanently

🕒 20 U.S. states have passed laws to observe daylight saving time permanently

Did you know that 20 states have passed laws or resolutions to observe DST permanently, though they can’t do so without federal approval?

The Sunshine Protection Act aims to make DST year-round across the nation, having been introduced multiple times in Congress since 2018, but it has yet to be enacted.

Arizona and Hawaii are already on permanent standard time, forgoing the twice-yearly clock changes. Ohio and Kentucky have also attempted to push permanent DST measures, relying on future Congressional action.

While supporters say making DST permanent could save energy and benefit commerce, some studies offer inconclusive results. The federal government first introduced DST in 1918 to conserve fuel and power during WWI, and it has been revised several times since. Many states remain eager to put an end to changing the clocks.