May 18, 2024
The Peregrine Falcon is the Fastest Animal in the World

What We’re Showing
The top speeds of the fastest flying animals in miles-per-hour (mph) for both diving/stooping and horizontal flight. The data is compiled by Fact Animal from various academic sources and includes the fastest reliably recorded speeds for each animal.
Key Takeaways
- When diving, the peregrine falcon is the fastest animal in the world with a staggering top speed of 242 mph. To put that into context, the fastest car in the world recorded a top speed of 330 mph.
- The peregrine falcon also ranks 7th in terms of fastest air animals in horizontal flight.
- The three fastest air animals on the planet, when diving, are all birds of prey. The peregrine falcon, golden eagle and saker falcon have renowned aerial hunting abilities, including high-speed dives or stoops to capture prey in flight.