The largest SEC Whistleblower Payouts
The SEC's whistleblower program is designed to incentivize potential do-gooders with a serious monetary reward for helping law enforcement tackle financial crime, an undertaking which typically carries a considerable degree of career and personal risk. Per the SEC’s website, the Commission can provide awards to individuals who come forward with high-quality original information that leads to enforcement action (if more than $1 million in sanctions is ordered) — and the range for awards is between 10% and 30% of the money collected.
As the program has grown, people are increasingly aware of the life-changing impact of successful snitching. Indeed, the SEC is steadily getting more TCRs — tips, complaints, and referrals — than ever before. In fiscal year 2024, the Commission reported getting nearly 25,000 TCRs. Remarkably, the majority of those, some 14,000, were from just two people. Clearly, those two individuals are trying their hardest to get in the SEC’s good books, and with good reason. (Those same two individuals also accounted for more than one-third of the 18,000-plus tips submitted in 2023.)
See the full article here.