The Countries Sending the Most Aid to Ukraine

Data from the Ukraine Support Tracker at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy released today shows that aid flow to Ukraine is constant if slow. As of Dec 31, allocations by the U.S. reached almost $120 billion, while EU institutions had allocated less than half of that.
Germany and the United Kingdom continued to be the biggest supporters of Ukraine, while aid from other major economies including France and Itala has continued to lag. The countries have so far committed around 0.2 percent and 0.1 percent, respectively, of their 2021 GDPs each to Ukraine wartime aid, compared to around 0.4 percent in the case of the Germany, 0.6 percent in the case of the United States and even 0.9 percent in the case of the United Kingdom. Smaller countries have been offering more support for Ukraine in relative and absolute terms, for example Denmark and the Netherlands, which are Ukraine's seventh and eighth-largest donors when counting EU institutions in rank 2. This is despite the fact that their economies are much smaller than those of France and Italy, which are Europe's third and fourth largest, respectively.
The amounts of Ukraine aid shown include financial support (loans, grants, etc.), humanitarian aid (food, medicine, etc.) and the value of weapons and equipment supplied, including donations in kind for the Ukrainian army and financial aid linked to military purposes.