🧑‍🎓 Mapped: Where America’s College Grads Live

What We’re Showing:
This map tracks the share of people aged 25 and older with a bachelor’s degree, by each U.S. State.
Data is sourced from the latest American Community Survey findings, published by the Census Bureau.
Key Takeaways
The highest share of college graduates are clustered in the Northeast, with Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Vermont all ranking near the top.
These states also have quite a few top-ranked universities.
Known innovation hub, California, also has a relatively high share.
Diploma Divide 2024
Cross-referencing this data with the November 2024 election reveals some interesting correlations.
There’s voting preference between those with college degrees and those without.
States at or below the national average (36%) voted red in 2024, and nearly all of those above it voted blue (exceptions include: Utah and North Carolina).