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⬆️ The Most Populous Countries by the Year 2100

⬆️ The Most Populous Countries by the Year 2100

Key Takeaways

  • India and China are likely to remain the most populous countries till 2100
  • However several African countries will climb the ranks over the next few decades
  • These estimates come from the UN World Population Prospects 2024.
  • They rely on current assumptions about birth, death, and migration rates.

🇨🇳 China Will Hold #2 Population Rank Despite Dramatic Fall

Despite its population set to halve over the course of this century, China is still expected to be the second-most populous country by 2100.

Meanwhile, several African countries—including the DRC, Ethiopia, and Tanzania—are set to rapidly climb the ranks after 2050.

However, based on current projections, no country will cross the 1 billion mark again.