America’s cities are growing again, and Florida remains a hot spot for movers

After national lockdowns were imposed in 2020, many people living in metro areas decided to up sticks to wider, sunnier spaces, spurred by cramped living conditions, rising housing costs, and a newfound ability to work remotely.
But now, American cities are seeing a rapid uptick in residents. New data from the Census Bureau, released Thursday, found that population growth in metro areas from 2023 to 2024 was faster than America as a whole, increasing by 1.1%. That may not sound like a lot, but it’s about 3.2 million more people living in a metro area over the course of a year. In fact, metro areas accounted for 96% of the nation’s population growth overall for this period, with populations increasing in almost 90% of all US metro areas from 2023 to 2024.
See the full article and interactive map here.