The Biggest Tech Company Layoffs Around the World Since 2020

If you’ve faced redundancy in the last few years, you’re far from alone.
The COVID-19 pandemic was a period of intense job instability for many of the world’s workers. Every industry was impacted in some way, but Big Tech, in particular, caught the global limelight after hiring en masse and subsequently laying off excess workers in huge swathes when the bubble burst. To explore the worldwide impact of layoffs since 2020, the team at commissioned us to uncover the biggest tech company layoff events around the world in the last four years.
In order to do this, we analyzed data from to isolate the biggest tech company layoff events per country and per continent based on the number of employees laid off by a company in one event. Where the information was available, ties on the total number of laid-off employees were separated by whichever layoff was equivalent to a larger percentage of the workforce.