One appeal of the McRib (as if it wasn’t appetizing enough!) is the perception of scarcity. There is a McRib tracker dedicated to spotting the sandwich when it’s not available nationwide. The last time McDonald’s brought it back, in October 2022, it called it its "farewell tour," implying it would not return.
One of the company’s biggest headwinds in the past decade has been the rising price of beef caused by low cattle supply. Its response has been pushing more chicken products, which now make up about half of its sales.
So it does stand to reason that perhaps the price of the sandwich’s inputs might be on the McMind. It has been widely noted that McDonald’s usually introduces the McRib — its only pork-based sandwich — when hog futures are low, and that the McRib can be construed as a bit of arbitrage to buy the dip.
See the full article here.